ABRAC (Associação Beneficente de Renovação e Assistência à Criança) is located in the city of Mogi das Cruzes, in the state of São Paulo. It is a Non-Governmental Organization with no profitable or economic purposes, of a philanthropic, caregiving, educational, and cultural nature, congregating anyone who wishes to partner with it to practice solidarity.
Its main goal is to provide Services of Special High-Complexity Social Protection, as an Institutional Shelter Service in the modality of Institutional Shelter Home, for children and adolescents from 0 to 18 years of age under protection measure (Article 98 of Brazil’s Statute of the Child and Adolescent), offering service at a residence-like institutional unit.
ABRAC currently has 4 shelter service units: ABRAC HEADQUARTERS, ABRAC’S VENNER, ABRAC HOPE and ABRAC JOY.For over two decades, ABRAC has been providing a relevant service to the city of Mogi das Cruzes, securing full protection to its sheltered individuals and having achieved significant results, such as:
The association was founded on February 8th, and its first president was Thais Regina dos Santos.
Our many
The acronym ABRAC had a different meaning at the time, standing for Associação Beneficente de Renovação e Apoio Comunitário [Charity Association for Restoration and Community Support].
Original field of operation
The original goal was to promote social and material acquisitions for the families, especially those living in the Gica community.
New president
In 1998, Marli Ribeiro became the new president of ABRAC.
Change in the Bylaws
In 1999, the institution’s objective was changed in its Bylaws, due to the needs arising at the time. Its name was changed to: ABRAC – Associação Beneficente de Renovação e Assistência a Criança [Charity Association for Children’s Restoration and Care].
In 2001, we entered into a partnership with the city’s Government.
Service Expansion
In 2014, the city signed an Acceptance Instrument for the qualified expansion and reorganization of Shelter Services for Children, Adolescents and Youths under 21 years of age.
3 units
In 2018, the organization began to offer, in the city of Mogi das Cruzes, 3 Institutional Shelter Services for Children and Adolescents: ABRAC HEADQUARTERS, ABRAC’S VENNER and ABRAC HOPE.
Opening of the 4th unit
In 2021, ABRAC took over a new shelter service in an emergency capacity, bringing its 4th shelter unit to life, ABRAC JOY
We offer shelter for children and adolescents between 0 and 18 years of age. Each of our units welcomes approximately 20 children per month.
Est. Antônio Gregório de Paula, 520
Jardim Aracy - Mogi das Cruzes, SP
e-mail: abrac.mc@gmail.com
tel.: (11) 4699-2955 (WhatsApp)
R. Jorge Salomão, 443
Vila Suíssa - Mogi das Cruzes - SP
e-mail: abrac.mc2@gmail.com
tel.: (11) 2312-1274 (WhatsApp)
Av. Santa Rita, 184
Jardim Armênia - Mogi das Cruzes, SP
e-mail: abracjoy@gmail.com
tel.: (11) 4726-5560 (WhatsApp)
Av. Maria Osório do Vale, 532
Alto do Ipiranga - Mogi das Cruzes, SP
e-mail: abrac.mc1@gmail.com
tel.: (11) 4724-3026 (WhatsApp)
In mid-2000, we welcomed a visitor from Norway named Kjeli, who came to Brazil after being invited by a Norwegian friend who had a project to help the homeless.
During his visit, Kjeli had a tour of ABRAC and learned more about the challenges and complexities of its management and the everyday care of the children.
Since then, many people from Norway have visited ABRAC and gotten to know our project. In 2004, they elected a board of 4 members who dedicate a huge amount of energy to the organization on various fronts, effectively and constantly, to this day.
The result of this partnership has been notorious, long-lasting, and incredibly important for the institution.
Without the support of our Norwegian brothers, some of our most important achievements would not have been possible.